When I got to Springfield airport I carried in my cats and the people at the counter said, "We don't ship animals." I could feel the blood draining from my face. I said, "I was here last week and talked with you and you said there wouldn't be a problem." They didn't realize I was flying with them. Oh ! That's not a problem ! Whew !
We got to Hawaii and the Quarantine dude said my paperwork was perfect so the cats were able to go home with me right away. Funny, after flying in jets, neither cat complained about my driving.
I finally got Internet Friday and have spent most of my time sending out resumes since then. Here's a couple of pics until I get some free time.
Click on the pic to enlarge.
Here's Londo relaxing on the lanai.
Click on the pic to enlarge.
Stanley's not impressed with the view.